
Students in this Design Computation Dual Degree Program will enroll simultaneously in the Master of Science in Architecture program and either the Computer Science degree (courses labeled ITCS) or the Information Technology degree (courses labeled ITIS). The core component of the curriculum is a series of StudioLabs which use a ‘design as research’ approach to a project co-taught by faculty from both design and computing.
Students admitted to the program must have one of the following:
A summer programming course (boot camp) offered by UNCC, or
An introductory programming course as part of a Bachelor’s degree, or
A certificate in a programming course offered online that is approved by the admission committee for the dual degree program (Intro Programming Computer Science with Python (MIT, EdX).
ARCH Classes required for MS Arch degree:
Arch 5606 Scripting |
3 Credit Hours |
MA 3 Total 24 Credit Hours
ITIS/ITIC Classes required for ITIS degree:
ITIS Core 12 Credit Hours from:
ITIS 6120 Applied Databases (may be substituted with ITCS 6160 Database Systems)
ITIS 5166 Network-Based Application Development
ITIS 6112 Software System Design and Implementation
ITIS 6200 Principles of Information Security and Privacy
ITIS 6342 Information Technology Project Management
ITIS 6400 Principles of Human-Computer Interaction *
ITIS Design Concentration:
ARCH 7211 / ITCS6211 / ITIS6211 Studio Lab I – 4 Credit Hours
ARCH 7212 / ITCS6212 / ITISS6212 Studio Lab II – 4 Credit Hours
3 Credit Hours from:
ITIS 5180 Mobile Application Development
ITIS 6011 Interaction Design Studio
ITIS 6350 Rapid Prototyping Design Patterns
ITIS 6360 User-Centered Design and Evaluation
ITIS 6370 Interactive Systems Design and Implementation
ITIS 6420 Usable Security and Privacy
ITIS 6500 Complex Adaptive Systems
ITIS 6880 Design-focused Independent Study
ITIS/ITCS 6010 Topics Course (only if topic applicable, and coordinator approved)
ITCS 5122 Visual Analytics
ITCS 5230 Introduction to Game Design and Development
ITIS / ITCS Total 23 Credit Hours